I wake up this morning and groan. Why? because I am coming down with a sickness, the kind of thing that lingers in the upper back pallete of your throat. It bugs me. Nothing is sound anymore except for the fact that I went to the very first concert of my entire life......Switchfoot!

They are a truly unique rock band with an intense longing for meaning, something I search for in the music I listen to. Their concert was gnarly! Thought I'd throw in a California surf word. It wasn't just great because it was my first rock concert I've ever been to, but because their concert was absolutely bodacious. The lead singer had a lot of presence. He jumped up on the drummers platform, rocked out on the bass drum, almost knocking it over, and then jumped back down. He also got into the crowd and sang. Yeah...wow...
Our crowd was tremendous. The sheer decible noise was intense, louder then our football games by far. The kind of screams that you can feel in the pit of your stomach and then it got louder something I didn't think was possible. The whole experience was amazing and I diffently am going to have to listen to more of their music because my friend CJ got me interested in their stuff and now that I heard it first hand I'm psyched.
My good friend Nate might like to know that Switchfoot is coming to Brisbane Oct. 3rd. He should go and convert some 'lost souls' at the concert. Too bad I have no way of 'contacting' him... *UT04 2AM* if(sleep==true) return sorry; else run fragBySteve;