Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I'm for real

I came across this little clip of The Simpsons opening credits filmed with real actors. It was created by Britain`s Sky TV network.

"We used regular actors, not so much for their resemblance -- you can`t copy a bunch of yellow characters -- but because you can easily identify with them," a Sky TV spokesman said.

Incredible huh? I thought so.

On a completely different note here is a story of a conversation I had with a telemarketer the other night.

Me: Hello this is Steve.
Telemarketer: Hi Steve this is blah blah from Yada Yada research. I'm conducting a survey and may I ask you a couple of questions?
Me: That's one.
Telemarketer: Ok. How many people live in your residency?
Me: Om... [I still live in the dorms.]... Well...around 220.
Telemarketer: Did you say 220?
Me: Yes.
Telemarketer: Please sir be honest.
Me: I am.
Telemarketer: Alright are you saying that you live with 220 people?
Me: Yes.
Telemarketer: Ok well how many of them are between the ages 18-24.
Me: All of them.
Telemarketer: What? Sir you're not being honest, I can tell when people aren't being truthful and you are one of them.
Me: I'm totally serious. [But now it's time to be mean because he doesn't believe me.]
Telemarketer: Ok sir are you between the ages of 18-24?
Me: No, I'm not.
Telemarketer: What about between 24 and 35?
Me: No.
Telemarketer: Between 36 and 50?
Me: No.
Telemarketer: Between 51 and 65?
Me: No.
Telemarketer: [sounding a bit flustered] Over 65?
Me: No.
Telemarketer: [definitely a little confused] Under 17?
Me: No.
Telemarketer: So... you live with a 250 18-24 year olds and you aren't of any age.
Me: Nope.
Telemarketer: ... Okay then... Have a... uh... nice day...
Me: Sure. You too. [hanging up]

I hate telemarketers.


Carly said...

Lately every spam phone call I get starts with "Now, I'm not calling you to ask for money" to which I basically respond "Yeah, sure" and hang up. SO annoying!

Anonymous said...

You're even meaner than Dad to telemarketers! Ha, ha! The Simpsons thing is really cool!

Anonymous said...

You should have just told the man that you lived with 110 girls.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha haha . I wish I had your guts. Sorry I missed your phone call last night!

Anonymous said...

Did you watch THE SIMPSONS last night? This was on at the beginning! Way cool! I can tell they're from England because Marge is driving on the other side of the car.

Anonymous said...

We used to get all these telemarketer calls at the ACU Information Desk. Basically all the 1-800 phone numbers would be routed through our phone number so we would get the SAME Jamacan telemarketers calling for Cloud Visa each time. We warned them that if they kept calling they would keep getting us, but they did anyway, so we started messing with them. One time, they asked Ben's occupation and he said, "Exorcist." His name? "Wilbur Testiclees."

Ann Marie Simard said...

Hi.... Have you ever heard of the very clever telemarketing counterscript? You start asking the questions and reverse the game... you can google that easily... thanks for commenting at my art site btw... the fairy will make a magic link...

Ann Marie

Eddy said...

Great video .
thanks for sharing