Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Prepare to be mooned

Japan plans Moon Base Alpha.
Japan's space agency has announced the possibility of developing a shuttle-style space vehicle by 2025 and eventually constructing a manned Moon base - hot on the heels of last Saturday's successful launch of a H-2A rocket carrying a navigation and meteorological satellite. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is once again talking big after the H-2A mission restored faith in the country's space program. This comes after a November 2003 H-2A launch that ended in a humiliating failure when the rocket had to be destroyed shortly after launch. This fuelled criticism of Japan's space ambitions originally ignited by two failures of the H-2A's predecessor - the H-2 - during the 1990s, Reuters reports.

All I can say is go go Kamikaze style! I mean Americans thought it was cool to blow up space-rockets I don't see why Japan can't follow in the same footsteps.

Saturn's newest Moons named.
Three new moons discovered around Saturn by the Cassini spacecraft have been given provisional names.The discoveries were made last year, not long after Cassini had arrived in orbit around the ringed planet.Two moons detected in August have been given the names Methone and Pallene, while another found in October has been provisionally named Polydeuces.

Why can't we name our moon? Saturn gets all these cool names for its moons like Polydeuces, we just call our moon, Moon. I don't know what we would call our moon but here's some possibilities I thought of. Al Cratorn (Al Capone but with crater), or Your Mom. Lol that name would rock. On some lovely evening when I'm making out with a girl in the moonlight I could look up and say, "Wow!" She would ask what as I was pointing in the general vicinity of the moon above her house. "Your Mom is really huge! She looks incredible!"


Anonymous said...

Technically, our moon's name is "Luna." I'm not making that up, either. Just thought you should know. Nice site, by the way!

Anonymous said...

So, does that mean that Sea of Steve's moon is named "Tuna?"

And yeah, I made that up.

And yeah, if you couldn't tell, you're a moron.

...you know