Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Double Take

I'm sure most of you (that is the few who visit this place) did a double take when you saw the new changes to the layout. I hope that you all enjoy! For now I'm changing the site's name to "Sea of Steve" instead of "No Answers.............Just Better Questions." I believe this reflects my posting style better, since I never did anything related to the old title anyway. The URL will remain the same: www.seaofsteve.blogspot.com

Note: These changes were made after spending all day working through this code. I wanted to better represent the fact that I am an artist. The old webpage was too bland and looked as if anyone could have made it. This new layout better reflects what I want. There are still things I need to work on however, so if you have any suggestions for further improvement leave me a comment with your thoughts.

Click here to see what the old website looked like

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking good, though I did like the old background.