Sunday, July 31, 2005

Back Home

I just arrived home from the most slendid, fantastic, marvelous, magnificent vacation. My mom and I enjoyed our stay in a friend's cabin right on the waters of Puget Sound. Only my mom and I made the trek because my little brother said he couldn't stand the long two day drive, since in another week our family is going to Minnesota (a 3 day drive blah...) for my cousin's wedding and my dad had to work.
I took a whooping 168 pictures while there! I couldn't believe it myself, being someone that hardly took pictures to this is more then a great leap it's quite frankly unheard of. I have a lot to tell you and show you, but it will have to happen another day. You should probably be glad I could muster this little bit before I go to sleep. The drive back here wore me out. Here's a sneak peek of what's to come.

We arrive to find a floating Mt. Rainier

1 comment:

Emily said...

Nice! Glad you're back safely. That mountain looks like it's just popping out of the sky.