Friday, January 20, 2006

Everyone set sail on the Sea of Steve

Welcome to all my family and friends that I have finally opened my website up to! Enjoy!

In celebration here are some interesting clicks for everyone.

Emily sent me this link of an awesome website of an UK Honda Civic ad that is stunning! An a cappella choir sings all the sounds effects. Click this link and skip the intro. Once you’re at the screen showing the car, down below you will see links of Home Explore etc . . . click on Watch and thoroughly enjoy!!!

While you're still tapping your fingers give this website a click.

I have been working at putting together another website to showcase my artwork. It is still in its construction stage but you're more then welcome to visit Steve's Art Pad Let me know what you think.


Emily said...

Wow! Looks great! Can't wait to see the finish product! I'm sure it'll be awesome because even your "under construction" page is cool.

Carly said...

I agree, very cool.... and I love the Baba Yetu piece.

Steve said...

My Grandma emailed me this.

Dear Steve, Your blog is truly beautiful and enlightening to read. So many times we can say things in print that we don't talk about in person. Keep it up. I was touched by your prayer requests for your grandpas. I didn't hear the Swahili song yet, but look forward to that. I enlarged the paper to read the article. I'm impressed that they picked the nicest guy at WU to talk about!!!!! I loved your snow pictures and related thoughts also. Your certainly have the heart and soul of an artist - and the eyes. I will look forward to additions to it. I didn't click on the blogs of anyone else. Maybe someday when I have lots of time. Love, Grandma
P.S. After I enlarged it to read the newspaper and then clicked on the icon to go back to regular size, why does my computer go off line? And a little hint from an old school teacher, legible has no "d" in it. Tee hee.

Now don't be afraid to comment. I opened my blog so you all can comment or say hi from time to time. I will not be embarrassed at all by your comments, even if you find mistakes, like my missssspellings. Hehe
Love, Steve

Anonymous said...

I finally watched the Honda commercial. I wouldn't have believed the sound effects were humanly made if I hadn't seen the rehearsal! Awesome!