Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Moi quoted bequeath pity upon me

It really is time for a post in the year 2006 (I have failed miserably at my New Year's Resolution) So for all you poor folks that keep clickin' here and those weird people that search for the darndest things and wonder across my blog, I give you a post that will truly make you appreciate the National Enquirer or maybe the incredible true articles from the New York Times but most of all to 'poke' fun at myself.

Yes I was quoted in my school's newspaper, that is if you can call it a n-e-w-s-paper. Rather it's a joke-a-page except for the comic section which is duller then a pencil sharpened by our president. (Yeah I make jokes at both sides because I'm a moderate. Don't be harsh because I too am about to poke fun at myself) Anyway, so I was quoted in this fabulous publication known as the Branding Iron. Do they even have a website? Oh I guess they do. Now you're all waiting for this great quote by moi, because it will quite frankly change the world.

Steve Held is a sophomore art major who works in the UW Telecommunication and System Services Department. He said that everyone he knew had an online account. "Facebook is a fun Web site," Held said.

Ah frick. I was going to post the article but it seems that the in·co·her·ent BI website isn't complete yet. Probably never will be. Take my word for it, it was a terrible article but for only the cost of shipping and handling you too can get your grimy fingers on this article. So act now. Hurry! while supplies last. Or maybe I'll just scan it for you.

Click on it to make it bigger and thus legible. *edit: corrected spelling from ledgible

Ok...ok not too bad, about a 5th grade level wouldn't you say? (Not my quote you idiot, the whole article) The article was supposed to be about social networking sites and was titled, Social networking sites abound. Ohhhhh abound wow really....hmmmm... AWESOME! except that the whole article only focuses on one and boy that does abound doesn't it sheep?

Now not to make fun of facebook because and I quote, "Facebook is a fun website." In fact why don't you join and add me as a friend. That is if you don't mind having the famous person of that quote as a friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Riveting, Steve.

I can picture you with a tape recorder in your face saying all these fascinating things, and when the reporter was transcribing it, all she wrote was "Facebook is a fun Web site." That does sum it up doesn't it?

My favorite part of the article is that they quoted a guy named Forrest Todd. For some reason that is exactly the sort of thing I expect people in Wyoming to be named.