Saturday, March 04, 2006

Clawing Out My Sketches

In my last post I took you through my initial idea stage and posted my early sketches. I left off by asking if "You're thinking what I'm thinking."

So what is that cowboy thinking? Of putting that crawfish in a nice warm pot of course! The first time I drew the crawfish, he looked too smug. He needed something else, something that would balance his happiness. Aha! I sketched in a beer mug. Yes! This is great!

Also my first hitchhiker looks a little too happy. If he were actually cold, he wouldn't have a big grin on his face. It also doesn't make sense for him to be as happy as the guy in the pot. So I drew another more depressed looking crawfish.

Now normally I have to come up with a number of different ideas to arrive at a finished conglomeration but this sheet of sketches seems to be coming along quite well.

However, looking at the entire sheet of sketches all I could see was a huge mess! Time to go through the process of cleaning things up and redesigning parts.

My first order of business.... GUILLOTINE! Yes that's right Mr. Cowboy, you just aren't working over there. Boot to the head! I redrew this part moving Mr. Cowboy and Joe Schmo's heads to the other side and redesigned the car a bit.

Then I scanned all my sketches into my computer so I could work with them in Photoshop and Illustrator. Now if I had a tablet PC I could've skipped this step entirely and drawn all this out on my computer screen. Maybe someone out there would like to donate or buy me a gift for my birthday?

In my next post I'll show you how I cleaned the images up and put them together for the final design.

1 comment:

BlondeBlogger said...

Good changes (especially making the crawfish look sad). Can't wait to see the rest!