Thursday, March 15, 2007

Christmas in Seattle

Rocks on the beach

I traveled to Seattle, Washington with my roommate at the end of Christmas break and I never did put up some of the pictures. The trip was made on a complete whim. We bummed around the city, saw the space needle, frequented some really great restaurants and went to a concert. The most fun I had however was taking an entire day to drive down to the the ocean.

The ocean... Wow! everytime I see it, it is the most amazing thing ever. It awakens the inner child within me. I woke up early that day so we could get a good days worth at the ocean since it would take a 3 hour drive to get there from Seattle.

We ended up at this quaint ocean town called Seaside. Once there we stopped and ate at a seafood restaurant. I had a tasty medley of fresh prawns, oysters, clams, and crab legs. After that it was time to go the the beach.

Ocean wavesIt was long and sandy and the ocean waves were crashing in. Outside a bright blue sunny sky welcomed us to a warm 38 degrees with no breeze. It was gorgeous. The smell. the sounds, it was honestly perfect.

Now you might be saying 38 degrees! That's freezing! but compared to the weather here in Wyoming that was warm. I kicked off my shoes rolled up my pant legs, sank my toes into real beach sand and ran into the frigid water. WHOO HOO!

I sat there on the beach for almost 3 hours just watching the people walking by. Taking so many pictures. I just kept saying to myself I am really here.
The beach was great.

Washington evergreens on the beach

Walking along the beach I discovered a huge tree stump. It was out in the open, in the middle of the beach. Isn't this the coolest thing ever?
Tree stump on the beach


Kyle Eli W said...

Hey! Looks like you had a great Christmas break! The pictures were fascinating, nothing like the rocky beaches here...><
Oh! I just graduated from my school, I plan to make an article for that soon...hopefully^^

Anonymous said...

Surfed in on BE - Wow, you got some good Christmas weather at the Washington beaches. Having grown up in Olympia I can tell you how lucky you were to have seen the sky that day.

Aunt Julia said...

I can see that you had an enjoyable Christmas break. Can't remember when i last had mine.

Do update often, love reading your blog.

Aunt Julia

Carly said...

these are beautiful photos. I'm sorry to hear about the problems with your relationships. You did the right thing by being honest, you know. Time has a way of sorting things out.

you know the **complete** prayer, right?

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

~ Reinhold Niebuhr

The OE said...

Seattle has the best sushi. In the continental US.

Anonymous said...

We, the forgotten readers of the Sea of Steve blog, in order to make Steve write again, establish a more dependable blog schedule, insure that he knows we're still here, provide for the wee children who depend upon his writings, promote the general feeling of satisfaction, and secure the blessings of artistic quality for ourselves and our posterity, do establish this petition for the reconstitution of the Sea of Steve.

(Thank you, Jefferson.)

According to civil, local, state, national, federal, public, American, and Universal law, in order to make this petition binding, exactly two signatures by self-respected, not-wealthy, but mightily good-looking individuals are needed.

I, Nate-Dawg, the author of this document, do humbly and gratifyingly submit my signature as the first.

Those who follow, kindly put the number of your signature in front of your name, proceeded or followed by comments that demonstrate your intentions. Thank you.

1. Nate-Dawg

Anonymous said...

I, the alater mentioned individual, do hereby swear and atest that Steve should begin blogging again. Especially since he watches a boatload of web design vodcasts.

2. CJ