Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day?

As Valentine's Day approaches - my happiness level decreases proportionally. It's really the one day of the year that makes me feel like crap. On this day I'm reminded that no one cares for me and I have no one to give chocolates, expensive roses, or even a lame teddy bear.

Granted, being single isn't the greatest feeling the rest of the year either, but I deal with it in the best way that I can. However, once February 14th rolls around there is no way of escaping it. It's everywhere and it is definitely not a day for us single people. Hearts find themselves pasted to everything and endless rows of chocolates and Valentine's Day cards make it difficult to even go grocery shopping.

Those of you out there that have someone to share Valentine's Day with, consider yourself lucky. I, Cupid have shot you with a love arrow to bring you happiness, while I fly around whimsically watching you all hold hands, kissing, and falling in love. I'm envious but I bring it upon myself. I just wish someone would shoot me. But whom? I'm Cupid.


Anonymous said...

Or Stupid. HAHA!

Get it Steven + Cupid

Steve said...

Ha! Yeah... thanks.

Yours truly,

Anonymous said...

I swear, if you ever edit yourself into David...

Anonymous said...

Man, that is a sweet as picture, but, I'm not gonna lie, it's kinda disturbing.

But w00t for posting again!

Emily said...

Wow so it looks like you still have somewhat of a loyal fan base even after not posting for almost A YEAR!!! High five for us long-lost bloggers! :)