Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A cold in the summer

This morning I woke up with a cold. You know the tight clenched up feeling in the back of your throat? Now I learn that it comes with a cough too. I definitely didn't order this. I hate being sick especially in the summer. I know that you get colds year long but I seriously can't remember the last time I was sick in the warm months. I perservered the sickness in my kayak classes today. The classes were really fun. I had a great group of young kids and that really makes teaching great. I brought a whistle because I knew that I wasn't going to be able to yell at all, heck I couldn't even yell if I wasn't sick but it really did help to get their attention. It is so funny to watch people being introduced to kayaking. I remember when I first started and I was just like them but it still gave me a few chuckles as they were flailing about and tipping over. Those kids just thought I was the greatest because I could roll my kayak back up. The looks on their faces just made my day and I almost lost sense of being sick, but now that I have settled in at home and write this blog entry, it creeps back and attacks my throat again. COUGH COUGH! Excuse me I think I should COUGH go.

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